Zizek Eats His Dirty Socks For Breakfast
Žižek stores his underwear in kitchen cabinets his socks neatly folded in a drawer below the sink
I am learning how to fail more epically
A painter renders the heads of all today’s middling celebrities on the bodies of cats
The coroner awakes at midnight
A train passes through the idea of travel and the romance of international intrigue
If you hold a cheap trade paperback version of a mass-marketed mystery novel up to a light you
will see through its pages and into your own dying imagination
Žižek’s beard is big and burly
Žižek’s beard has problems
Žižek’s beard is my spirit animal
I will spearhead a movement called Occupy Žižek’s Beard
I will shave all of Žižek’s body hair
Žižek speaks of obscene music and hates “indie rock”
I have a poster of Žižek standing in front of a poster of Stalin
I have a poster of a bald eagle eating an apple pie on the hood of a Ford F-150
Within each one of us is a slovenly Eastern European philosopher waiting to explicate our
theories of thought difference knowing and being upon the world in a language no one
will understand
I understand less and less about language everyday
Joshua Ware

Joshua Ware is the author of Homage to Homage to Homage to Creeley (Furniture Press Books) and several chapbooks, most recentlyImaginary You (Grey Ghost Press), SDVIG (alice blue books) with Natasha Kessler, and How We Remake the World (Slope Editions) with Trey Moody.